The core of every nuclear project must embark the nuclear safety dimension. During the design phase, the nuclear safety definition requires a demanding framework. The following steps will benefit from it. As a matter of fact, later on, the safety report nourishes itself from the deterministic approach and the probabilistic safety analysis.
Oakridge is a recognized global expert in nuclear safety, supporting clients with their nuclear safety strategy, the licensing process, the talks with regulators and the actual implementation of nuclear safety analysis. In 2020, Oakridge became the first company in France to get the ISO 19443 certification.
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Project: ISO 19443 standard compliance – consulting, training, peer review, preparation to audit
Client: MIRION is a global leader which designs and manufactures neutron flux measurement systems
Context: Maintaining access to the large EDF contracts, for the new nuclear units in France and in the UK, requires being compliant with the most demanding standard in nuclear safety, the ISO 19443 standard.
Role and achievement: Training 140 persons at Mirion, in nuclear safety culture and ISO 19443 standard + Peer review at Mirion premises, auditing the factory and interviewing people onsite
Testimony: “As OAKRIDGE has pioneered the ISO 19443 certification, their experience was unique and really valuable for MIRION. We took benefit from their expertise and appreciated their flexibility, to accelerate our own certification, successfully!” Loïc Eloy, Mirion Technologies President
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Projects: Deterministic Safety Analysis
Clients: IRSN and EDVANCE EPR2 - France
The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) is the TSO (technical support organization) to the regulator (ASN).
EDVANCE is the EPC subsidiary of EDF, the world biggest nuclear operator, in charge of the EPRs Engineering and Commissioning.
Oakridge has supported the IRSN & EDANCE on the topic of External Hazards Studies (DSA – Deterministic Safety Analysis) through a multi-year dedicated framework contract.
Role / achievement:
Secondment for:
IRSN, External Hazards EDF studies assessment
Support to the IRSN and its Experts Committee (GP – Groupe Permanent) on the Heat Sink external hazards safety assessment, for the third decade assessment of the 900 Mwe reactors fleet (VD3 – Visite Décennale 3, REP EDF 900 Mwe)
Edvance, External Hazards studies & Contribution to the PSAR
Drafting of preliminary studies and writing of external hazards chapters for the EPR2 preliminary nuclear safety report
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Project: Licensing. Gaps analysis regarding FIRE Safety regulations: EU/India
Client: EDF DD oversees EDF proposals to international clients willing to build new nuclear units on their soil.
Context: Program of 6 EPR units proposed to NPCIL for Jaitapur site. The discussions between the parties included an Early Engineering Contract, as an important step to prepare and negotiate the actual contract for the 6 units. With this ECC, EDF would have given a main contribution and insights of the project feasibility to NPCIL.
Role and achievement: Before the ECC, Oakridge has prepared for EDF DD the regulations gaps analysis and has trained people at EDF about the fire safety regulations in India. Seminars on this topic were organized and managed by Oakridge. Experts in fire safety from India and from France were appointed by Oakridge on purpose.
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Project: ISO 19443 compliance
EDVANCE is the EPC subsidiary of EDF, the world biggest nuclear operator. Edvance was incepted in 2018 by gathering resources from former Sofinel, EDF-CNEN and a part of Areva.
Through its framework contract with Edvance, Oakridge has been in charge for years at the Safety Group (SNE) of support on many topics, including a role of Safety Advisor, as the interface between Edvance and the French Regulator (ASN), regarding the EPRs Projects in France (Flamanville 3 & EPR2).
Role / achievement:
Secondment for:
ASN Interface
Driving the relationships with the French regulator (ASN) on the topics of safety management and regulatory compliance.
Support to the deployment of all of the ISO19443 standard requirements into Edvance's engineering activities, in particular for the development of the communication regarding the 'Safety Data Sheets' on SRA (Safety Related Activity).
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Projects: Probabilistic Safety Analysis
Clients: IRSN, ESKOM – France & South Africa
The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) is the TSO (technical support organization) to the regulator (ASN).
ESKOM Hld SOC Ltd is the largest South African electricity public utility. It operates several notable power stations, including the 900 Mwe Koeberg Nuclear Power Station (KNPS).
Oakridge has been awarded in 2022, as the unique adjudicator, the Professional Service Contract (PSC3), for the DPSA (Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Analysis) activities. The PSA are particularly required for the extension of the plant's life from 40 to 60 years (LTO – Long Term Operation), this scope is under the responsibility of Oakridge.
Oakridge has been supported by the IRSN on the topic of PSA through a multi-year dedicated framework contract.
Role / achievement:
Fixed price projects, on deliverables, for:
IRSN, Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) Development
Development of the full Risk Spectrum PSA models and associated probabilistic studies for different hazards:
-Internal events PSA level 1 900 & 1300 Mwe Upgrade
-900 Mwe seismic PSA level 1 development
-1300 Mwe H2 explosion PSA level 1 development
-Interface level 1 / level 2 internal events PSA upgrade
ESKOM, Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) development
Development of the external hazards PSA level 1:
Hazard Analysis, Systems Structure and Components (SCC) screening, probabilistic model development, sensitivity studies, Core Damage Frequencies (CDF) & Large Early Release Frequency (LERF) analysis.
PSA Applications:
-Aircraft crash PSA1
-External flooding PSA1
-Extreme winds, tornadoes & severe storms PSA1
-Heat Sink hazards PSA1
-Solar storm PSA1
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Project: International Benchmark – best practices in Periodic Safety Reviews (PSR)
Client: KHNP is the sole nuclear power plant operator in SouthKorea. In 2024, it operates 26 nuclear reactors, on 5 sites: Hanul, Gori, Wolsong, Saeul, Hanbit.
Context: in 2020 under the Moon administration and the nuclear phase out policy, the Korean operator was challenged by the regulator in many aspects, including the PSRs. To overcome the issue, KHNP needed to provide evidence of its compliance to the nuclear safety world-class standards.
Role and achievement: Oakridge has built and has headed an international consortium, to deliver the best added value to the client. The report was released in only 8 months and gave an actual advantage to KHNP for the talks with the regulator. The project output gave evidence that Periodic Safety Reviews in Korea are well performed, in the frame of the international standards.