Oakridge participates in the decarbonization of the global energy mix and the smooth running of our civil societies. Both through the different nationalities of its employees and its activity in Europe, Asia and Africa, Oakridge is essentially an international company. Oakridge offers proximity between consultants and managers.
The vision of the founder and President, Cyrille Molina, an engineer in Nuclear Engineering graduated from I’INSTN, is based on the deep conviction that the share of nuclear energy must increase in the global energy mix. Indeed, as a source of decarbonized energy, nuclear energy is part of the solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through its involvement in the nuclear safety of projects, Oakridge is working for a sustainable future accessible to the populations.
Discover Cyrille Molina's professional journey in the podcast Titans of Nuclear
Discover the values of Oakridge: Excellence, Innovation, Quality, Honesty

Diversity and excellence in the service of nuclear safety.
The diversity of cutting-edge skills and profiles of Engineers and Doctors as well as the quality of internal dialogue allows Oakridge employees to deploy their potential and put it to the service of customer needs and nuclear safety. Oakridge Managers are all trained engineers; they all have significant experience in the nuclear sector.
This allows them to grasp customer needs in all their complexity, thus facilitating exchange and efficiency, with a constant concern for quality and monitoring of nuclear practices and digital technologies.

Advancing women's careers, a long-standing commitment
Oakridge actively participates in actions to promote diversity in the nuclear sector.
Within Oakridge, the careers of female professionals are highlighted to inspire other women and encourage them to join the nuclear sector.
True to its commitment, the company has been a historic sponsor of the Fem’Energia prize since its creation. Long-standing commitment to the WiN France association: Oakridge participates and has participated in numerous actions promoting women in the nuclear sector. For instance, Cyrille Molina, the founder and President of the company, acted as a mentor in the Franco-British WiN France/WiN UK joint program for young female professionals in the nuclear sector.

Team spirit
Oakridge places particular importance on meetings and moments of sharing to strengthen the links between employees, some of them spend a large part of their time on duty with the client.
Afterworks are regularly organized in the regions where consultants are based. For example, two afterworks on the crucial theme of artificial intelligence and its consequences on our engineering professions were organized in Lyon and Paris. A ‘gastronomy and discovery’ seminar also took place in 2024 in Dijon.
All these events enable to build relationships and learn more about current topics that interest Oakridge employees, while enjoying a good time together. Every two years, Oakridge brings together all the employees at the WNE (World Nuclear Exhibition). At the site of this major event in the global nuclear sector, they benefit from a full day of discoveries, discussions on the latest technologies and innovations, shared testimonies, cocktails and celebrations.
Oakridge does not forget its local roots in the Centre-Val de Loire region
Oakridge is a company that combines international presence and local roots in the Centre-Val de Loire region, its home region. The company promotes local partners through a responsible purchasing policy. Committed to promoting the economic expansion of the region and the nuclear sector, the teams participate voluntarily in regional events. These include interventions in schools to promote careers in the nuclear sector and to encourage international career paths. The company also acts, through patronage, in favor of inclusion and culture in the region.