Oakridge's commitment to excellence allows it to be a pioneer in the field of nuclear safety and gives it the ability to: :
Discover and anticipate technological and sectoral trends and position itself at the forefront of the 4th generation of nuclear reactor technologies, known as GEN IV
Seize the opportunities offered by the digitalization of nuclear sector management tools to optimize project costs and deadlines
Engage in sectoral disruptions such as AMR/SMRs (Small Modular Reactors and Innovative Reactors)
Develop innovative concepts such as fuel debris extraction.
Find out more about our expertise
Our certifications
ISO 9001 Certification | ISO 19443 | EDF / UTO Qualification | CEFRI E Certification

Oakridge has been involved in the United Nations Global Compact since 2011.
Through its purpose, Oakridge contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
7. Clean and affordable energy
The concern for decarbonized energy is at the heart of Oakridge's activity. Dedicated to the development of sustainable civil nuclear energy, Oakridge is involved in the operating fleet, as well as in new power reactor projects and innovative SMR/AMR projects, in France, Europe, Asia and Africa.
At the forefront of innovation in the nuclear sector, Oakridge integrates its expertise in digital tools and Artificial Intelligence into engineering, to support the development of new projects, particularly in SMR/AMR projects, to optimize costs and deadlines.
• The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) indicator is an important tool to measure the economic feasibility of a project. However, as mentioned in the report of the first SMR conference organized at the IAEA in October 2024: “some SMR designs offer flexibility in their operation through cogeneration, as for instance with district heating, desalination, or hydrogen production, and their capacity to do load following or to adjust their output with demand. This allows SMRs to provide a service to grids, which is not valued by the LCOE metric, and they can still have a positive net present value regardless of their LCOEs.”
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure:
The consultants master the most complex subjects such as the resistance of materials in harsh environments related to GEN IV technologies, the behavior of molten salt reactor fuel in transients, or probabilistic safety studies integrating exceptional situations, multi-accidents in particular. Oakridge's skills in the service of innovation in the nuclear industry contribute to the establishment of decarbonized energy production infrastructure in the world.
8. Decent work and economic growth:
To carry out international projects, Oakridge sometimes employs subcontractors and suppliers in various countries across the world. This contributes to economic growth in these countries, but it is important to ensure that it is done responsibly. Therefore, Oakridge's responsible purchasing policy includes the notions of respect for human rights and decent working conditions. In its international business relations, Oakridge ensures that every supplier and subcontractor is committed to the values promoted by the United Nations Global Compact.
13. Climate action: measures to combat global warming
Oakridge consultants know that they are using their skills and unique expertise to develop nuclear energy projects, a carbon-free energy source that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By replacing carbon-based production methods (fuel oil, gas, coal) with new nuclear power, high-power or SMR, or by extending the lifespan of operating nuclear power plants, they are helping to achieve the Net-zero objective by 2050.
11. Sustainable cities and communities:
The development of SMR for district heating networks contributes to the growth of decarbonization of home heating and the decontamination of urban air. This movement to replace flame boilers with small nuclear reactors will de facto create greater proximity between these reactors and the population. In its role as responsible nuclear engineering and nuclear safety specialist, Oakridge is committed to ensuring adequate safety conditions for a sustainable future for urban populations.
4. Quality education:
Through the implementation of an internal training program, the "Oakademy", since 2020, and the regular holding of "Teams Café", Oakridge is committed to sharing and enriching knowledge. Collective progress is at the heart of Oakridge's corporate culture.
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions:
The company's values are Excellence, Innovation, Quality and Honesty. Oakridge places the ethics of men and women at the forefront. This is the necessary condition for establishing and maintaining relationships of trust with customers, partners and institutions, all over the world. In addition, Oakridge's economic independence allows it to free itself from any link of exclusivity to issue fair, sincere and balanced opinions.
5. Gender equality:
Oakridge promotes the advancement of women's careers in the nuclear sector by participating to forum and talks within engineering schools and by supporting the Win France association. Oakridge has carried out a long-term partnership, renewed every year, alongside the Women In Nuclear France association.
Find more information about Oakridge's commitments towards women in nuclear on the Who are we? page.