Regularly a pioneer in its sector (the nuclear sector) since its inception in 2002, OAKRIDGE has distinguished itself again recently, becoming in 2020 the very first engineering company in France to obtain ISO 19443 certification.
Obtaining this certification marks the high level of professionalism achieved by the teams, both in structure and in production.

The inclusion of the requirements of the ISO 19443 standard in the OAKRIDGE management system has led in particular to providing nuclear safety culture training to 100% of the staff, to implementing a graduated approach in all the processes, to increasing the level of monitoring services Important To Nuclear Safety (ITNS), to raise the level of requirements with its suppliers and partners ...
OAKRIDGE is always at the forefront of advising its French and foreign clients in this necessarily demanding environment that is the nuclear sector. Today, we are proud to pave the way on the subject ISO 19443, in an approach in line with the first part of the Excell Plan for the French nuclear industry: "mastering the industrial quality". The adoption of this standard has already been recorded by some major international companies concerned with providing reinforced and clear guarantees in terms of nuclear safety, in particular with regard to the fight against counterfeit, fraudulent or suspicious items (CFSI). Thus, EDF, ROSATOM and CGN currently invite all manufacturers in their supply chain to integrate the requirements of the ISO19443 standard into their management system. It has been done for over a year at OAKRIDGE ... and it is now certified, since December 23, 2020!